Home Security

5 Ways a Security Door Can Add Value to Your House-In Melbourne Victoria 2021

5 Ways a Security Door Can Add Value to Your House

Did you know that installing a security door at your property is an easy and inexpensive way to add value to your home, improve your home protection and boost your kerb appeal? Just like having five-star heating and cooling, installing bespoke benchtops or adding other premium home features, a high-quality security door increases the value of your home by being aesthetically appealing as well as offering significant personal protection as well as home protection.

The decision to install a security door is usually driven by the desire to improve home security, to ensure your home and your loved ones and valued possessions are protected.

However, there are many other benefits to be gained from having a security door including financial savings and overall value adding to your property. Yes, the protection of your household is at the forefront of the decision to install a security door but, in what ways can installing a security door also save you money and add value to your home?

5 Ways a Security Door Can Add Value to Your House-In Melbourne Victoria 2021

#1 Save money and hassle by avoiding a costly burglary

According to recent Australian government statistics, the cost of a typical residential burglary amounts to $2,000, or around $4,500 in the case of a non-residential burglary. Burglary is unfortunately one of the most common crimes in Australia with burglaries cost Australians a horrifying $2.43 billion each year.

Thieves tend to be opportunistic, so a secure front entrance way can be a great way to deter thieves. Studies have shown that 30% of thieves simply enter through the front door so having the visual impact of a security door is very effective.

 #2 Save on air conditioning costs and lower your energy bill

Security doors allow you to be more energy efficient without compromising on the protection of your home. Security doors allow you to leave your front door open in order to ventilate your home naturally without switching on air conditioning or risking leaving your home open to intruders.

#3 Save money by lowering your hoe and contents insurance premium

Insurance companies have researched the nature of burglaries and understand the efficacy of different security features in deterring thieves. Certain insurance companies recognize that having an Australian Standards approved security door installed may lower the risk of your property being targeted by a thief and will therefore lower your insurance premium by up to 20% to reflect that lowered risk.

#4 Boost your kerb appeal to improve the value of your home

Jim’s Security Doors offers a wide selection of Australian-made security doors to suit every budget, aesthetic and security requirement. Designs available range from premium minimalist designs to more ornate grille doors and your security door can be customized with a variety of colours available and different mesh screen options, including one-way/privacy mesh for enhanced security.

#5 Better than fly screen – save money on a product that won’t need replacing!

Fly screens are simply not an alternative to a security door. Even if they’re lockable they don’t offer the same degree of protection and can break easily, even with gentle usage. Even the toughest varieties of fly screen are easily compromised and don’t last long if you have pets or kids that will push against it. By contrast a security door that is compliant with Australian Standards guidelines is designed to withstand heavy impacts and has been tested to ensure it can withstand break-in attempts.

 For more information about Jim’s Security Doors. Or for expert advice on security doors to suit your home and protect it from burglaries, please contact our friendly and experienced sales team on 13 15 46.

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